Break bad on the trail, ride the most buggy-busting terrain you can find - Trail Amor's new a-arm guards can take the iMPACT! Made of the same 1 /2" UHMW we make our skid plates out of, these are by far the toughest, best designed and coolest a-arms on the market. Guards have three sided protection of your front and rear CV boots - front, rear and bottom - and mount easily with no drilling required. All mounting hardware and simple photo-documented installation instructions are included. See Also Fits for specific year and model fitment.
NOTE: COLORS ARE CONSIDERED A SPECIAL ORDER AND ARE NON-RETURNABLE. ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR GRAPHICS AND A COLOR, PLEASE CONTACT US! These guards will not be engraved as there isn't enough room. Picture shows side profile contrast.
Polaris Xpedition